Data Visualization

Raw Data

To view the tomographic raw data we suggest to install Fiji and add the HDF plugin

Other options are hdfview or argos

To view the tomographic raw data we suggest to install Fiji and add the HDF plugin

Other options are hdfview or argos

Reconstructed Data


After your data are reconstructed you can visualize using Dragonfly.

Login at the beamline Linux machine and then type:

[tomo@handyn]$ cd /local/tomo/software/dragonfly
[tomo@handyn]$ ./Dragonfly


After your data are reconstructed you can visualize using Avizo.

Login at the beamline Linux machine and then type:

[tomo@handyn]$ cd /local/AmiraAvizo3D/2021.1/bin/
[tomo@handyn]$ ./Avizo3D