Bluesky time out error

If you get this time out error:

<class 'str'>: (<class 'TimeoutError'>, TimeoutError('Failed to connect to mona:StopAcquisition',))

at the end of a scan using bluesky verify that the soft IOC providing the PV “mona:StopAcquisition” is up and running with:

[user2bmb@lyra,47,startup]$ cd ~/.ipython/profile_2bmb/startup/
[user2bmb@lyra,52,startup]$ caget mona:StopAcquisition

if you get:

Channel connect timed out: 'mona:StopAcquisition' not found

then you need to start the soft IOC with:

[user2bmb@lyra,47,startup]$ cd ~/.ipython/profile_2bmb/startup/

softIoc -d mona.db
keypresses: [^a] then [d]

and you will get:

[user2bmb@lyra,46,startup]$ caget mona:StopAcquisition
mona:StopAcquisition           Ok