FDT data transfer

Fast Data Transfer is an open source application for efficient data transfers capable of reading and writing at disk speed over wide area networks (with standard TCP)

Linux to Linux

At the APS FDT in available at /APSshare/bin/fdt.jar, in the example below replace /APSshare/bin/ with the folder where you installed fdt.jar.

To copy data from the data collection machine (pg10ge) to the data analysis machine (tomo1):

  1. start the fdt server on tomo1:

[tomo@tomo1]$ java -jar /APSshare/bin/fdt.jar -S
  1. start the data transfer from pg10ge to tomo1 using the following syntax:

[user2bmb@pg10ge]$ java -jar /APSshare/bin/fdt.jar -c {remote_server} -d {remote_dir} {local_fname}

For example:

[user2bmb@pg10ge]$ java -jar /APSshare/bin/fdt.jar -c tomo1 -d /data/2022-11/Kemner/ /local/data/2022-11/Kemner/*.h5

Windows to Linux

To copy data from windows from:


to linux machine:


first install FDT on both machines then go to the linux machine start the fdt server:

$ cd /local/data/fdt
$ java -jar fdt.jar

then go to the windows machine from a dos prompt start the copy (client):

$ cd C:\Users\se2admin\Desktop\FDT\
$ java -jar fdt.jar -c handyn -d /local/data/Dunand/ S:\data\2019-02\Dunand\test.h5