
EPICS PV logging

To log and beamline PV variable use one of the tools available a 2bm tools.

Experiment logging

To generate user logs to be published on google slides we developed tomolog. tomolog creates a google slide by extracting information from the raw hdf tomography data, projection and reconstruction image data.

To view the table for data stored by tomo@handyn:

tomo@handyn$ bash
(base)   tomo@handyn$ conda activate google
(googlr) tomo@handyn$ tomolog run --file-name /data/2022-02/Salcedo/ --rec-type rec
optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--config FILE

File name of configuration file


init         Create configuration file
run          Run data logging to google slides
status       Show the tomolog status

To access/view experiment meta data we developed meta

To run meta:

tomo@handyn$ bash
(base) tomo@handyn ~ $ conda activate meta
(meta) tomo@handyn ~ $ meta show --file-name /local/data/base_file_name_001.h5
optional arguments:
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--config FILE

File name of configuration


init         Create configuration file
status       Show meta status
show         Show meta data extracted from -fname-name
docs         Create in --doc-dir an rst file compatible with sphinx/readthedocs containing the DataExchange hdf file meta data